we had our monthly meeting last week, if you would like to know whats happening and see how to be involved or just to know… here are the minutes!

As this was the first public meeting Charlotte Hall advised those present of the progress which had been made so far: the Plunkett Foundation, search for premises, funding, shares, start up costs, help from volunteers and fund raising.
1. The Plunkett Foundations help in setting up community projects was explained and how they had given us advice and would continue to do so.
2. The present situation regarding the Band Hall – which is that a rental had been agreed but also a request for a valuation for purchase which was to be followed up.
3. The fund raising start had been made by holding a quiz evening raising £258. Further ideas for fund raising were needed and it was decided to hold a wine and nibbles evening to explain where we were and what the next steps would be. Free first drink and sell others and be held in the village hall in November. Enquiries would be made to book a Thursday evening. Further suggestions were a harvest supper in 2019 and a produce and craft show.
4. Shares would be sold and a competition for the school children to design this would be happening once the school had settled into the new term routine. These would be one for businesses and one for members of the public.

After a general discussion of these items the following offers were made:-

Vanessa Goodall suggested we create a profile of a typical shopper and was very happy to undertake this project.

Sam Cahill said her partner Adam was more than happy to give financial advice and she was also willing to help.

Jo Smyth volunteered to do PR work.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall Committee Room at 7.30pm on the 20th November 2018.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm.

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Proudly supported by 'The Prince's Countryside Fund', 'The National Lottery - Community Fund' and 'The James Dyson Foundation'.

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The FCS acknowledges the registration of the following society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 as a Community Benefit Society
Society name: Minety Shop | Registration date: 18 May 2018 

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