It’s March and I am training a longstanding client (who happens to lead a local band….), we chat as we work, and suddenly she says “Oh I’ve been thinking, would you guys like us [band] to do a fundraising concert for your shop?”
“Wow, are you sure? Yes please (oh wait yes only 20 press ups….)” are what then come out of my mouth.
“Great,” she says, all practical and organised – in a way I can only dream of. “Let’s do it in November, before the Christmas madness, but after the festival etc so hopefully people have money to spend and time to come out.”
It’s the summer, we are mentally trying to hurry things along, ‘get the shop, get the shop, get the shop’ becomes a litany chanted by the few oh so many times…….
And then it’ November, posters went up, tickets were sold, prizes were purloined, I snaffled the spare bottle of weird Japanese wine for the raffle and off we go…..
OMG it’s bedlam, we have to rummage for a float – oops – last minute fail! We have too much lager but maybe only just enough ale and there are not enough tables for everyone to sit (SIT? – I thought they’d all be bopping…..)
But it was epic, turns out I have a car full of change – rah! The tables were fine and people drank themselves to the point they would spend way too much money on our (admittedly brilliant) auction prizes. We danced and danced and danced….
The bands (yes there were two amazing bands who gave their time for free – the Big Brunch Band and the AKsionals) were amazeballs (thanks for that phrase my lovely friend Emily!) and played and played and played……
It’s midnight, Jo and I are like the last two lushes at a pub lock in, we sway gently (fatigue not beer – sadly you can’t over do it at your own party!) as we sweep, mop and put tables away. Finally we usher the last of the band out the doors and lock up – what a brilliant evening – so many locals turned out to support their shop and boy did they support it!
We raised just over £2,200 after expenses: booze and hall hire – not too shabby for a wee country, community shop in the making!
Thank you Jackie and your amazing idea, thank you to the Big Brunch Band and to the AKsionals, thank you to all who helped on the night (and before and after); from buying beer (and taking back the overs), to running the bar, compering the auction, buying random things like raffle books and putting up with my mental panics!
And of course – thank you Minetonians, one and all – for turning out, having fun and spending your hard earned cash! Bring on 2020 – we have some big targets, but we are up for it – and if you will back us with the support we so badly need, to make this a reality then I know we can make our shop happen!
Happy Christmas everyone! This time next year ‘Rodney’……!