Our latest news is that we have turned our ‘buy a brick’ campaign into a community share scheme, which we announced at our public meeting in April.

We have taken this action on the advice of the Plunkett Foundation, which has been helping us set up our community shop.

What is the community share scheme?

An individual share will be sold at £10 – the same price as a ‘brick’ – and the maximum investment is £5,000 per person. These shares don’t offer any dividends (as we are running the shop on a not-for-profit-basis) but we will hold an annual shareholders’ meeting allowing all shareholders to take an active part in our shop.

Anyone who has bought bricks will be offered the opportunity to change these into shares.

If we don’t reach our goal of opening a shop, anyone who has bought bricks or shares will be offered a full refund.

Below are an application form for shares, which you can print off and complete if you’d like to donate – thank you. There is also a share scheme offer document, which has more information.

share-scheme-application-form – updated 2020

share-scheme-offer-document v2020

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Proudly supported by 'The Prince's Countryside Fund', 'The National Lottery - Community Fund' and 'The James Dyson Foundation'.

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The FCS acknowledges the registration of the following society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 as a Community Benefit Society
Society name: Minety Shop | Registration date: 18 May 2018 

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